The Digital Scene – February 2019

I’m starting a monthly column about the previous 30 days in the Digital and Cultural worlds. The changes in these areas are daily and many. So, I’ll be taking note of the ones I find more relevant and relay them to you every month. I hope you enjoy these writings.

Self-Driving Cars

Working on your laptop. Shaving. Doing makeup. Speaking on the phone. Texting. Believe me, these are all things I’ve seen people do in their cars on their way to work. So, you’d think: “Finally self-driving cars are here!”. Not so fast… I saw all this in regular cars. People put themselves and others in jeopardy every day. Self-driving cars promise to allow all those activities to be done safely.

This comes about as Elon Musk promises a truly self-driving Tesla in 2020. There have been countless road tests, as well as some accidents in the past in prototypes by several companies working on this technology. Will 2020 really see this come about? I really hope so. All things considered, we will have more freedom do be more productive… or just read a novel, in a safe way. And, if you want, you can also decide to drive just for the pleasure of it.

Oscars 2019

This year’s edition of the Oscars was much talked about for not having an official host. I’m talking about the ceremony, not having seen it. Just because. The quick notes I’ll leave here are: A super hero movie being nominated for best picture, Glenn Close (again) not winning, Lady Gaga getting the statuette, a Netflix production (Roma) being nominated for best movie. I miss my student days, when I’d lie on the sofa bed in my parent’s living room with some snacks, watching the Oscars live all night long. As the song goes… “those days are long gone now”.

A podcast: Akimbo

Seth Godin is one of the world’s best know experts in marketing. He has countless books on the subject, and has had a blog for years where he writes every single day. That’s impressive.

Last year he started a podcast he called “Akimbo“. I’m a big believer in podcasts and have plans to start one (or more). Audio is a great medium, because you can listen while engaged in other activities such as driving, working out, going on a walk, and so on.

On “Akimbo”, Godin talks about marketing, management, creativity, and many other subjects. After a 15 minute “lecture”, he opens the floor for questions about the previous episode.

Photo by Jp Valery.

By | 2019-08-01T11:52:28+01:00 March 1st, 2019|Digital, Personal Notes|0 Comments

About the Author:

Somewhere at the intersection of Digital and Culture. Lisbon native. Many interests person. Starter. Have projects in Digital, in Culture, and at their intersection. Love travel and photography.

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