Books read in 2015

Books read in 2015 2018-08-26T16:52:44+01:00
  1. The First Century After Beatrice, by Amin Maalouf
  2. O Homem de Constantinopla, by José Rodrigues dos Santos
  3. Digital Adaptation, by Paul Boag
  4. Um milionário em Lisboa, by José Rodrigues dos Santos
  5. Leading Digital,  by George Westerman, Didier Bonnet, Andrew McAffee
  6. Samarkand, by Amin Maalouf
  7. Making It Big in Shorts, by Kim Adelman
  8. What They Don’t Teach You at Film School, by Camille Landau
  9. FilmCraft: Directing, by Mike Goodridge.
  10. Save the Cat!, by Blake Snyder.
  11. Grammar of the Edit, by Christopher J. Bowen
  12. From Still to Motion, by James Ball
  13. Managing Chaos, by Lisa Welchman
  14. Anything you Want, by Derek Sivers
  15. Good strategy, bad strategy, by Richard Rumelt
  16. So Good They Can’t Ignore You, by Cal Newport.
  17. Business Model You, by Timothy Clark and Alexander Osterwalder
  18. Digital Branding, by Daniel Rowles.
  19. “Bold”, by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler
  20. The New One Minute Manager, by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
  21. Imperfect Harmony, by Stacy Horn.
  22. On the move, by Oliver Sacks
  23. Book Launch, by Chandler Bolt
  24. How To Not SUCK At Writing Your First Book, by Chandler Bolt
  25. Crush it!, by Gary Vaynerchuk
  26. Do the Work, by Steven Pressfield
  27. Let’s Get Digital: How To Self-Publish, And Why You Should, by David Gaughran
  28. Your first 1000 copies, by Tim Grahl
  29. Platform, by Michael Hyatt
  30. Do Less, Get More, by Shaa Wasmund.
  31. Stop Talking, Start Doing, by Shaa Wasmund
  32. The Charisma Myth, by Olivia Fox Cabane
  33. The Girl in the Spider’s Web, by David Lagercrantz
  34. The Last Secret Of The Temple, by Paul Sussman
  35. Elizabeth is Missing, by Emma Healey