- The First Century After Beatrice, by Amin Maalouf
- O Homem de Constantinopla, by José Rodrigues dos Santos
- Digital Adaptation, by Paul Boag
- Um milionário em Lisboa, by José Rodrigues dos Santos
- Leading Digital, by George Westerman, Didier Bonnet, Andrew McAffee
- Samarkand, by Amin Maalouf
- Making It Big in Shorts, by Kim Adelman
- What They Don’t Teach You at Film School, by Camille Landau
- FilmCraft: Directing, by Mike Goodridge.
- Save the Cat!, by Blake Snyder.
- Grammar of the Edit, by Christopher J. Bowen
- From Still to Motion, by James Ball
- Managing Chaos, by Lisa Welchman
- Anything you Want, by Derek Sivers
- Good strategy, bad strategy, by Richard Rumelt
- So Good They Can’t Ignore You, by Cal Newport.
- Business Model You, by Timothy Clark and Alexander Osterwalder
- Digital Branding, by Daniel Rowles.
- “Bold”, by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler
- The New One Minute Manager, by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
- Imperfect Harmony, by Stacy Horn.
- On the move, by Oliver Sacks
- Book Launch, by Chandler Bolt
- How To Not SUCK At Writing Your First Book, by Chandler Bolt
- Crush it!, by Gary Vaynerchuk
- Do the Work, by Steven Pressfield
- Let’s Get Digital: How To Self-Publish, And Why You Should, by David Gaughran
- Your first 1000 copies, by Tim Grahl
- Platform, by Michael Hyatt
- Do Less, Get More, by Shaa Wasmund.
- Stop Talking, Start Doing, by Shaa Wasmund
- The Charisma Myth, by Olivia Fox Cabane
- The Girl in the Spider’s Web, by David Lagercrantz
- The Last Secret Of The Temple, by Paul Sussman
- Elizabeth is Missing, by Emma Healey
Books read in 2015
Pedro Mendes