10 links interessantes pela Web #043

Durante o meu tempo diário de leitura e navegação, selecionei dez links que achei interessantes, no mundo cultural e digital (e na sua intersecção). Como verás, os assuntos variam desde KAWS + Warhol, a Scarlett Johansson,  à Art Basel.

  1. At the Playful ‘KAWS + Warhol,’ Two Pop Art Titans Finally Meet
    The show at the Andy Warhol Museum explores the artists’ shared fascinations with sex, consumerism, and destruction
  2. A royal in red—King Charles III portrait unveiled
    The work by Jonathan Yeo shows Charles wearing the uniform of the Welsh Guards
  3. Scarlett Johansson Says OpenAI Ripped Off Her Voice for ChatGPT
    In a scorching statement, Scarlett Johansson claims that after she turned down an invitation to voice ChatGPT, OpenAI brazenly mimicked her distinctive tones anyway.
  4. Looking at people looking at art: inside the mind of a gallery attendant
    Visitor experience workers at London’s Tate Modern, Serpentine, Barbican and V&A share what it’s like to watch people looking at art during a time of changing attention spans and rising vandalism
  5. 5 Must-See Shows During Art Basel
    Highlights include Dan Flavin’s “Dedications in Light” and a survey of Argentinian artist Mika Rottenberg.
  6. Celebrating James Baldwin’s Radical Beauty
    In God Made My Face, artists and critics reflect on seeing themselves through the late metamorphic writer’s work.
  7. Does a Gallery Get Into Art Basel?
    More than 750 dealers apply for about 225 booths in the fair’s main sector. Competition is fierce.
  8. Winning Design for London’s First AIDS Memorial Is Revealed
    British artist Anya Gallaccio has imagined a place for community gathering to commemorate those affected by HIV and AIDS.
  9. Helle Mardahl designs The Grand Suite for woman “who lives in a dream world”
    Designer Helle Mardahl has turned her Copenhagen showroom into a messy home for a “shopaholic”, displaying her glass designs on an unmade bed and in a lonely dining room during 3 Days of Design.
  10. The lesbian renaissance is nigh
    From Chappell Roan and Billie Eilish to BBC’s I Kissed A Girl, sapphic representation in pop culture is at an all-time high

Imagem: Auto retrato por Andy Warhol refletido numa escultura de KAWS intitulada Space (2023).  Foto por Adam Schrader.

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By | 2024-06-17T17:50:26+01:00 Junho 17th, 2024|Cultura, Digital|0 Comments

About the Author:

Algures na interseção entre a Cultura e o Digital Lisboeta. Pessoa com muitos interesses. Tenho projetos na Cultura, Digital, e na sua interseção. Viagens, Cinema, Fotografia, Livros.

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